Red Garlic

Red Garlic (Chinese)
Egypt occupies the third place in the production and export of garlic worldwide and one of the most famous cultivars in Egypt is white garlic and red (Chinese) and is exported fresh and dried.
• Garlic Improves Cholesterol Levels, Which May Lower the Risk of Heart Disease , It consists of several lobes , It has thick striped leaves that have a distinctive strong smell and Have strong taste .
HS Code: 070320
Calibration: 40mm: 90mm
Plastic Box: 10.0 kg N.W / 11.0 kg G.W. (Fresh & Dry)
Mesh Bags: 5.0 kg N.W / 5.1 kg G.W . (Fresh & Dry)
Bamboo Bags: 5.0 kg N.W / 5.3 kg G.W. ( Fresh Only )
Carton Box: 10.0 kg N.W / 11.0 kg G.W. ( Dry Only )
Fresh from 15 Jan Till 31 Mar
Dried from 15 Apr Till 15 Jul
Container Capacity (40 feet): 20 pallet per Container
Plastic Box: 88 box per pallet.
Mesh Bags: 180 unit per pallet.
Bamboo Bags: 160 unit per pallet.
Plastic Box: 100 box per pallet
Carton Box: 100 box per pallet.